These people terrorized me

They documented how they observed me to be hysterically screaming to GET OFF THE PROPERTY. That's where it should have ended. Instead Jerome Hill went from the front door, where the well head is all the way around to the BACK DOOR.....OUT OF STREET VIEW.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

First, they cover up the death threat

At the time I was emailing the NH AG's Office, and prior to the LURKING and former Sr. Asst. AG making sure she prevented Michael Bedard and Jerome Hill from being charged, I had heard the death threat against me when I transcribed the audio from the 10/24/13 Water Well Board Meeting. "Dead f*cking little c*nt."

NH AG's Office failed to even mention the death threat against me. It took 4 months to address it, half assed, in a letter last April 2015 from Homicide Prosecution Attorney John J. Kennedy.

The death threat is connected to Michael Bedard's clients and took place during a water well board meeting on 10/24/13. Audio record. 

Now, we have Lauren Noether's involvement in intimidation of a witness. Tsk tsk.

Here's an email from Asst. AG John J. Kennedy documenting that he was assigned a Public Integrity complaint before his appointment as Asst. AG took effect. The complaints were mailed in the beginning of August. Look who is cc'd.......Investigator Dick Tracy. They worked closely together on the Public Integrity complaint. Look at the email addresses. Dick Tracy's is all lowercase. Kennedy's is initial cap. But, at the bottom of this email, Kennedy's email address shows to be all lowercase too. Seems legit.

I questioned the validity of this and numerous other emails that appear to be from the AG's Office and from NH DES. I stood my ground these emails were not legit.  I was told "I was engaging in conspiracy theories."

I thought I was engaging in the email protocol set up. I thought it made sense that there'd be some sort of control over the content of emails Attorneys send from any AG's Office.

Looky, attorney above is assigned a Public Integrity complaint before he's an Asst. AG and the one below files in court after her term expired. What's the point of Appointing these people? What's the point of an expiration date for a term?? No one listens anyway. Lauren Noether's term expired on 8/31/15.


Anonymous said...

Richard Tracy Investigator of the Public Integrity Unit is publically corrupt per a NH State Trooper who ordered me to file a complaint against Tracy with the US District Attorney. The US District Attorney investigates the public corruption of the NH Attorney General.

I am of Fitzwilliam NH where the selectmen, police and fire are publically corrupt. NH State Trooper Shawn Skahan called Tracy and asked him for permission to investigate and Tracy said no that Skahan is not allowed to investigate. Tracy has been doing witness intimidation of me.

Audra Toop said...

Please look me up on Facebook. Audra Eileen. Maybe I can help

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